Movie Review of The Amazing Transformers - For those of you who remember watching Transformers cartoons in their 80s, you will be very happy to know that a movie that will be released soon displays all the Autobots and Decepticons that you have remembered since then. You will also be pleased to find Transformers movie reviews highly recommend watching movies. The 2007 Transformers review shows that this transformer film is very well written. The special effects are amazing and can be trusted.

If you grow up watching Transformers in the morning before school and then again in the afternoon you will really enjoy this film. For those of you who are new to this concept, you will find Transformers 2007 movie reviews good enough to draw you to the theater to discover for yourself all the hype about what.
This direct action transformer film will take the prize for the best action film of the year, maybe even the best action film ever made. At the beginning of the Transformers film you will be fascinated. It began with Autobots and Decepticons who lived peacefully on Cybertron.
The war began after the Decepticons' leader, Megatron, learned about the power of the cube. The cube is a vital item because all life forms originate from it. Megatron wants to take power from the cube so he can transfer all of Earth's life to his own Transformer. He left Cybertron when it was destroyed in a battle between Autobots and Decepticons.
The cube falls to Earth which is why all Autobots and Decepticons end there. Autobots come to save the Earth from the hands of Megatron. Of course, he came there to take over the whole Earth.
Sam has a cellphone that will turn into a Transformer. Perhaps the best thing about Transformers is the action scenes. It is very difficult for me to explain to you in this Transformer movie review how well they did it. You will really like this film's final battle. It happened in the middle of Los Angeles.
Transformers themselves are very well done. There are some differences from the original animated cartoons but I think you will find them better. I don't want to give away any secrets so I'm just going to tell you that Megatron has an amazing display that you don't want to miss.
There are many other changes too. For example, Bumblebee was a Volkswagen Beetle. In this direct action, the Transformers Bumblebee film takes the form of a 2008 Chevy Camaro that is not yet on the market. Optimus Prime is still an extraordinary semi-truck, and Ratchet is an Ambulance. The voices of Transformers are very powerful and they are a good replica of the original programming from the early 80s.
Some of the best remakes were not done, but Michael Bay really did an extraordinary job of bringing Transformers to the big screen. If you're worried about being the oldest person in the theater, don't be - the average age is between 21 and 40 years.
The Transformers film really keeps the audience on the edge of their seats for the whole show. People really like it, even clapping and shouting at one point. I plan to watch the film again next week. If you only made it to see one film this year, make Transformers. I'll be back before you know it to give you a Transformers Movie review for Transformers 2!
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