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I do not know whether I have been eligible or not to write this kind of article. But I just want to just share about my process of making film reviews here. Who knows there are many of you who want to "pretend" to write film reviews as well as me. This article is purely based on my experience, so it's not a standard recipe for writing correct movie reviews, yet everyone has their own opinions and ways. So, continued? let's continue ...


How to become a blogger movie? Very easy. You only need 3 weapons:

Like watching movies, likes writing and creating a blog

The point is that's all. It's easy? It's called a blog, everyone can create a blog too. The popular blog platform is Wordpress and Blogspot, I happen to be more familiar with Blogspot so I prefer Blogspot. If you are serious and real intent, maybe in the future you can buy your own domain with a different platform. But I myself am quite comfortable with Blogspot. And blogs are just tools, the important thing is the first two weapons: like watching movies and writing. Starting from like, then all can be lived with more beautiful ...


It is important to differentiate first how to write movie reviews for the media (such as newspapers, magazines, etc.) and for your own blog. What I'm discussing here is writing a movie review on a blog - which means you can be yourself, and it doesn't matter how many people think. Unless your blog's market segmentation really wants to reach a wider audience, which means you have to write as they wish. But for me a blog is really an expressive space for yourself, so you should be a little more idealistic. Just write what you want.

The following are just tips and tricks from me ..


This is what I usually do, because sometimes if it's not recorded, like to forget what to write. Sometimes there are cool sentences that appear instantly when I watch certain scenes or things that I want to discuss, just write down everything. These points are just random write, anything that appears in your brain. Later when you want to write, the points can be a kind of guideline when you will start writing. Really helpful.


Research first? Yes, yes. With your research first, your writing looks richer and has more weight. This research can be done by finding out on Wikipedia about the film, trivia about the film, or reading reviews about the film from others.


Since what you want to write is about a film, the elements that can be discussed include story plot, character characters, moral values, the quality of the script, the acting of the actors and actresses, directing style, cinematography, music, to other technical matters.


How to write? Yes, just write it (or typing anyway in this case). Let all your writing flow as is. Edit the problem later. Usually, we start from the general first at the beginning, before then to the more specific ones at the end. Don't forget that one paragraph usually conveys one topic, and paragraph one to the next paragraph there must be continuity. Editing can be done later by re-reading what you have written.


Now, this is important too, so the quality of your writing looks okay. For example, you feel the film is 'good' - so don't let the word 'good' appear repeatedly throughout your writing. Just replace it with other words that have the same meaning - cool, good, extraordinary, special, and so on. That's why we need a thesaurus or in this case Google. Haha.


If you want to write a review seriously, you must track down more than the reader. It's not good if you seem to know a lot. But don't be overly knowledgeable, by just criticizing without being based on reason. And whether you like it or you don't, be honest.


No spoilers, for God's sake! Sometimes novice writers like itchy want to give out the ending of the film. Hold on, yes, because good writers know very well that leaking film secrets are like breaking an unwritten code of ethics. Even if you already want to write about it, then don't forget to include a kind of warning that your writing will contain spoilers.


This sounds corny, but blogs should show who you really are. Be honest with the feeling you want to express. Initially, we haven't been able to find the identity of our writing, but gradually, each writer will find his own style naturally. Embrace that call. I myself discovered for a long time that sometimes my writing was a little satirical (or cynical), and really liked the philosophical moral values ​​of a film.


Did you write but feel that your writing is not good? Maybe you lack training. Don't expect too much that your first writing will be as good as Roger Ebert's. If you read my review in 2010 - the beginning I made this blog, you definitely want to laugh (I'm just shy!). In the beginning, I wrote a film reviewer who could only compose a maximum sentence of 2-3 paragraphs, and that was also bad writing. But slowly, surely your writing will begin to form, and over time can cool like me (geez!).

So, those were tips & tricks about writing movie reviews in the style of talking about films. Hopefully, it is quite helpful, especially for readers who have asked for input from me about writing films. Even if there are other bloggers who are willing to share their knowledge for me and other readers, it can be shared in the comments below.


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