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Christian Movie Reviews - Guidelines to Consider

Christian Movie Reviews - Guidelines to Consider - Christian movie reviews are a great tool to help you on your faith journey. Like all media, film is very powerful because of its ability to influence your thoughts and feelings. In Proverbs 4:23, we are advised to guard our hearts, because from that comes the problems of life. We are also encouraged to contemplate things that are true, noble, beautiful, pure, virtuous, praiseworthy, and good report (Philippians 4: 8).

Christian Movie Reviews - Guidelines to Consider

Movie reviews written from a biblical perspective can help you make wise decisions about what to watch, and can help you prepare spiritually if you choose to watch less noble or pure features.

An ideal film review written for Christians will not only provide a summary of the plot, characters, and themes but will include information about potential elements that can be rejected. This helps because everyone has areas of weakness and temptation. 

According to the principles of martial arts, the best way to resist temptation is to avoid temptation. So, for example, if you have problems with sexual temptation, then watching movies that contain nudity or sexual situations will likely increase your struggle. If you decide to watch a movie, knowing in advance about the tempting elements will help you be better prepared for it.

Another useful element for Christian film reviews is to give an opinion about the film through the lens of Philippians 4: 8. What film elements are true, noble, pure, praiseworthy, and other elements that are suggested for our reflection? Even though the film does not have a blatant Christian message, there are still elements that affirm our values. 

For example, I saw a film recently in a video that illustrates a positive view of marriage and is praised for being loyal to your partner for life. In my opinion, it makes this film worth watching, even though it sometimes has strong language.

Good movie reviews for Christians will also wrap the article with final recommendations, reasons for viewing or reasons for graduation. But in the end, everyone has to decide for themselves what media they will allow in their minds. Movies can be very fun, but remember that it is a form of "entertainment". 

The word "entertainment" means "without thinking." It is human to want to escape reality once in a while, but that can cause problems if worldly media has a greater influence on your mind than the word of God. In the end, what is permitted to rule more in your life will ultimately have a greater influence on your behavior.

So be careful with the films you watch and let Christian film reviews be your tool to help you determine which films best support your path with God.


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