How to Write a Movie Review to Capture Authen - A few years ago when I thought of George Clooney's vehicle "Syriana (2005)," an answer I read somewhere with criticism that the film "makes no sense," changed my whole view of the film in general, and film reviews in particular.
The writer basically says that, yes, there are some sequences and plot points in "Syriana" that don't make sense because the subject itself doesn't make sense either! So how do you shoot a film that is not very clear from a subject that is not very clear ?! Wow ... I have never entertained the mind and I was truly touched by the originality of the concept.

Here I don't want to discuss all the important discussions about the difference between STORY and PLOT (read Peter Dunne for that). But allow me to say that the problem of "imperfection" is alive and well in writing film reviews as well.
You know the usual traditional film reviews: introduce the director, writer, and actor. Short story/storyline. Show what is right or wrong with it. Rate it. Then exit. thanks.
But does this really reflect an authentic audience experience? What did we really feel when we watched this on DVD in the privacy of our home, or together with a hundred other film lovers in the cinema? Is our viewing experience PERFECT? If not, why do our movie reviews also PERFECT?
Do we follow the storyline from A to Z without problems? And if not, should we go back and LEARN the storyline until we are right, like solving a geometry problem? Or should we reflect on the imperfection as in our commentary, should we respect it, because it is an honest and purely subjective experience?
I think there will always be room in our world for solutions like Wikipedia and encyclopedic perfection for film reviews. But I would argue that we also need more authentic film reviews, exactly reflecting how we feel when we watch this work for the first time.
If our experience includes feeling lost and changing perspectives and projecting our own interpretations of the storyline and perceived characterization, let it be. It should only enrich the experience of authentic viewers and not impoverish it.
After all, when Picasso broke human figures into millions of pieces and put them together in "absurd" ways, he enriched the way we see the world, right? Why don't we try and let the same thing in movie reviews?
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